Thursday 12 May 2011

TV: Boy Meets World

Wondering down this road that we call life...

So there i was, having a bit of a lag cause all of my shows were finishing; Glee, Vampire Diaries, 90210 and so on and so forth, and i needed something to fill the gap between movies. I thought to myself; What would you like to watch? The answer came to me in less than a minute. Boy Meets World, one of my all time favourite shows from the beloved 90's

My love for this show is mostly based on the fact that you watch these characters grow up, and you see all their trails and triumphs which really helps you become emotionally attached to the show and to empathise with them regardless of their fictionality. 

Cory Matthews played by Ben Savage is the main character of the series. In the beginning Cory - aged 10 - is personified as the lazy slacker and mischief maker, taking the short cut whenever possible. He does however have a good heart and cares a lot about other people and what's right and wrong.
As the years go by he is more of an eccentric hypochondriac in a hilarious adorable way, these traits don't hold him back from discovering the meaning of life love and the true meaning of friendship. I realise how soppy this all sounds but the transition from him him being a brillo headed 10 year old boy to him becoming a mature-ish adult is so smooth that you don't see it coming until you're teary eyed at the last episode.
Rider Strong plays best friend Shawn Hunter, who along with Ben Savage is the only character to be in all  158 episodes. Shawn is the rebellious bad boy all stemmed from a life childhood filled with abandonment and disappointment from both parents, but the Matthews are like a second family and have all helped him to stay on the right path through the years. Topanga Lawrence, the girl next door played by Danielle Fishel and Will Friedle who plays Eric Matthews  Cory's older but not much wiser brother help to complete our main cast members but these kids would be nowhere without their teacher and mentor Mr George Feeny.

As the story progresses we meet new characters and we lose favourite ones but the main cast stay intact and that's another reason why this show was such a 90's icon. I think i've given enough away to at least make you curious and take a chance at the first few episodes. Don't be put off by them being 10 in the first season, they're loveable none the less and like all kids they grow up fast.

Started April 2011

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