Saturday 5 November 2011

In Time

One can never get enough of Justin Timberlake and this new futuristic sci-fi drama movie was a chance to view him in a new light. He did wonders with his role and gave a realistic portrayal of an interesting concept of life in a world where time is money and time is power.

Already the idea of substituting the power that money has on our lives into the power that time literally has on our lives had me engrossed. After a tragic incident and being fortunate enough to be at the right place at the right time our protagonist Will Salas (Justin Timberlake) finds himself with a lot of time on his hands. Though sadly a lot of people think that the amount of time he now holds has been wrongfully entrusted as both Minutemen and Time Keeper alike are out to find him for one reason or another. Will, has other plans in mind.

I thoroughly enjoyed having Cillian Murphy play the role of the time keeper, though I would have liked to either have a lot more background knowledge of him or nothing at all, as the snippit they gave us felt underdeveloped and borderline unnecessary.
The character of Sylvia Weis, our second "protangonist" was far to archetypal. Her hair style was bizarre, her personality was boring and her background was bland. As well as this I don't believe having Amanda Seyfried portray her helped in anyway.

Despite all the criticism I really enjoyed the film though I'm wondering if it was due more to the brilliant concept of it than because of the acting and slightly questionable storyline. The ending was left wide open, but I was left wondering how much they could actually do with these characters whose goals seemed to have already been achieved, I guess only time will tell.

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