Tuesday 16 June 2015


Now we all know that Brit Robinson is cursed, kind of in the same way my guy Leonardo Di Caprio is, they're doing everything right but for some reason they just still aren't getting it.

I have a few question for you all.

Who doesn't love the idea of a parallel universe? Where the greatest creations birthed from our most wild and outlandish theories can be explored and created? Can come to life and live? To allow you the opportunity to try and fail in a warm environment with like minded individuals? 

Boring idiots that's who. 

The idea of Tomorrowland is an interesting concept to say the least, one that we are invested in from the very beginning as we follow young and eager Frank Walker (Thomas Robinson) as he takes his latest invention; a Jet Pack, to the New York Worlds Fair. We are supportive and swept up in his Can-Do, Young Believer attitude, and wish him nothing but success, candy, rainbows and all his hearts desires - Yes, the love for little Frank that was strong, the love for Casey Newton (Britt Robertson) on the other hand - not so strong. Not that we didn't admire her unearthly optimism, it's just one thing for a ten year old to be blindly optimistic and adorably naive, but for a peppy blonde chick who seems to be pushing 21? Not so much.
Luckily Casey's overall juvenile behaviour is shadowed by the presence of the sweet and delightfully British, Athena (Raffey Ccassidy) and George Clooney. The former plays the role of guardian/muse to both Frank and Casey as well as clearly being part ninja preforming some pretty unexpected moves on a couple of foes, whilst the latter did a very convincing job of playing the seemingly unwilling, grumpy and thus pessimistic, crazy and so paranoid, genius.

In retrospect, the singular aspect that really confused me was who the bad guys were. In a sense the bad guys were to a certain extent the good guys too, tainted in our eyes by the way they allowed their belief in Survival of the fittest to direct their objectives, no matter how selfish it seemed. I suppose at the end of the day Tomorrowland is a Disney movie, and so to much emphasis on a really "Bad" character who didn't seem either a little camp, or over the top stereotypical stroke my curled moustache cue evil cackle, wouldn't make a Disney movie what it was.
A greater insight into what Tomorrowland actually does, in terms of it's aim and even origins would have been nice, even if it was in a casual sentence would have at least given the audience a general scope of the story-world, really solidifying that Tomorrowland could actually exist in the viewers world. Linked to that the film could have really explored some of the great inventions Tomorrowland prodigies had churned out. It seemed as though the film had so much to give and so gave a little bit of everything which summed up to a whole lot of nothing leaving us with an insatiable need to know more, and an upsetting realisation that we never would.
Overall it is a shame this film wasn't well received, and even though figures are still rolling in, this film hasn't been given a fair chance at success, this time I may have to leave Brit alone, as this films marginal failure can be chalked up to a lack of proper marketing by Disney, who are clearly still to busy cashing in their cheques from Frozen to really devote any attention to anything else.

Now that I've said my peace, it's up to you whether you want to blame the general presence of Britt Robinson for Tomorrowland not doing so well Today.

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