Wednesday 15 August 2012

The Bourne Legacy

If you are looking for a film that has no solid plot due to its hinging to the frame of the story arc of its basis then The Bourne Legacy is sure to satisfy all your needs.

For some vague stitched together reason, Aaron Cross (Jeremy Renner) is part of a classified government defence programme called Operation Outcome. The men who are part of the programme are taking a drug referred to as "Chems" in order to give them better psychical and mental development. As part of this Operation Outcome a range of survival training has to be undertaken, and in the heart of Alaska is where we first come across Aaron Cross.

Simultaneously as Cross' story develops, so does that of Dr. Marta Shearing (Rachel Weisz) who is part of a team of scientist that help administer the Chems as well as keeping up on the patients. Through a stream of unseen circumstances she is put on a government hit list for her knowledge and involvement and the only way to stay safe is to team up with who the defence department of the government have at the top of their kill list; Aaron Cross.

Though this movie is supposed to be seen as the fourth instalment to the Bourne Trilogy, I failed to understand why they kept putting not so subtle hints about Matt Damons lead role of Jason Bourne in the first three films. A few to gauge and help the understanding of the movie is completely fine but I felt as though it was a self reassurance of The Bourne Legacy belonging The Bourne trilogy in more than name.

I am not a heartless reviewer and I always try to find the light in a tunnel of complete darkness. In the case of The Bourne Legacy I am referring to its many action sequences. This more or less took up 55% of the story, and even then we could tell that it was being dragged out to an almost unbearable end.

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