Thursday 16 June 2011

Pirates Of The Caribbean 4: On Stranger Tides

Johnny Depp swings in to action for a fourth time as the swashbuckling always drunk but seemingly aware, eccentric pirate Jack Sparrow (Capt'in). He comes back to our screens with a new cast that includes the always alluring Penelope Cruz as Angelica, a love interest for Sparrow -At least now we know for sure he's not gay. Not that i had my doubts-. Our favourite frenemy Geoffrey Rush as Captain Barbossa and with a new foe by the name of Blackbeard. Mythical creatures, thick forestry and trickery at every turn as our favourite and most unlikely protagonist goes on a hunt for the Fountain of Youth.

Okay introductions and pirate jokes aside, Im going to start off by being straight with you. I was disappointed with this movie. Kindly lower your weapons and hear me out.
The general plot for this fourth instalment is about Jack Sparrow finding the fountain of youth. If you saw the ending of the previous film, you'll know that he has a map of how to get to its secret location. Being one of the few people that know how to get there he is hunted down by a number of people who need to get to the fountain for various selfish reasons.
Former sea tyrant Captain Barbossa who now apparently works for the British Embassy is using his new government title for his own personal gain to help with the revenge he's plotting against a certain sea dog.
Angelica, who wants to get to the fountain of youth to help save her dying father, as well as spending a little time with her former lover Sparrow (Though this is the first time we're ever hearing of her)
Legendary Pirate Blackbeard who is running from a prophecy about how he is supposed to die, hoping to use the fountain as a loop hole to escape his decided fate.
I dont want to spoil it to much for you so here are a couple of choice words; Mermaids, Priests, Spaniards and ships in a bottle.

Throw this all together and you've got a bit of everything, but to many cooks spoil the broth and this is one storyline that just kept jumping unnecessarily from place to place. It had its classic laughable moments as well as a few whopping scenes that help to remind us what a scarily smart person the Captain himself is.

Whats left to say is that this movie only did so well by riding on reputation alone, im a massive Sparrow fan but i think its time they stopped plotting his next adventure unless they can come up with a solid storyline. If not then i guess we should have to just get used to seeing him in spoofs and Pirates of the Caribbean one through three.

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